Georgetown Transportation

Neighborhood Traffic Management

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Residents throughout the City of Georgetown are often concerned about high traffic speeds, increasing traffic volumes, and pedestrian and bicycle movements in residential areas. Speeding vehicles, unexpected traffic volumes, and pedestrian safety — whether perceived or real — may contribute to a sense of uneasiness or create safety concerns within a community.  Neighborhood Traffic Management provides collaboration with the community while remaining objective and comprehensive. This framework allows staff to minimize and monitor these adverse effects.

Georgetown Neighborhood Traffic Management applies only to existing transportation infrastructure (roadways, crosswalks, pedestrian ramps and bike facilities) that are owned and maintained by the City of Georgetown. In all cases, the City has and retains the authority and responsibility to determine what changes to the existing transportation infrastructure and/or traffic control, if any, are appropriate in accordance with City of Georgetown Code of Ordinances.

The process

Request must be initiated by a group of residents or HOA, business, school, or other entity whose property is within the requested study area.

  1. Submit E-Form
  2. Applications must be supported by 51% of the property owners (one vote per unit) within the neighborhood in support of the request

Applications cannot include recommendations for the types and/or locations of mitigation measures.

  1. Transportation department reviews application

Staff will review the request to ensure it meets the criteria and will evaluate applications at the next quarterly meeting. Qualifying applications will be prioritized in order received. All studies are subject to availability of funding

Applicant’s role

A group of residents or HOA who submits an application for a Traffic Management Study, must be willing to:

  • Serve as the primary contact and liaison for the request;
  • Take responsibility for community notification;
  • Compile evidence in support the request; and
  • Support the City’s process to design.

If staff recommends traffic management methods, the City will initiate the approval process, which includes public meetings, surveys, and approval from the Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board and City Council.

A copy of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Mitigation Requestion application is available here.

Ineligible projects

You will be notified in writing if your submission is not an eligible project. Projects are not eligible for several reasons, including if the request is:

  • Submitted fewer than three years after the City installed devices and/or changed the speed limit.
  • Based on potential future traffic impacts, not existing conditions.
  • A duplicate to or overlaps another request.
  • Submitted within two years of a similar request.
  • For a street that is not a public residential road or minor collector per City plans

For more information, contact the Transportation Department at 512-930-3640 or

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