Georgetown Transportation

Public Participation

P&Z and GTAB Joint Meeting















We have developed an online, interactive map (WikiMap) for you to help us better understand conditions and your experience with the study area. Click here:

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City recognize the importance of working closely with the community throughout this project to identify solutions the community values. Public input will be collected and incorporated in each phase of the study. The Public Involvement Plan for the project highlights that, to make participating in this study convenient, there are many opportunities to learn more and share input. CAMPO, the City, and the project team will:

Share Updates – Project information and updates will be shared as they are available via email. To sign up, enter your email address into the sign up boxes to the left. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Public Meetings – Meetings will be held to share information, collect input, and offer the opportunity for the City, project team, and the public to work together.

Meet with Stakeholders – As needed the project team will meet with stakeholders along the corridor. Please contact us if you would like to schedule a call or meeting,

Attend Community Meetings – The team will attend events and meetings in the community. We can share a quick update, set up booths, or give a detailed presentation. If you have a group that is interested in a presentation or update, please contact us.

Input and feedback will be collected as we work with the public and then incorporated into the study.

Public input is an important part of this study and there will be multiple opportunities for the community to offer their ideas for the future of Williams Drive. The plan will recommend improvements that will spur both public and private investment dollars. Possible recommendations may include improvements such as redesigning intersections, synchronized traffic signal timing, vehicle turning lanes, public parking, sidewalks, bike lanes, or transit options.

The first open house public meeting was held on Thursday, October 6. The purpose of this open house is to introduce the study, purpose and goals, and public engagement process, as well as provide a brief overview of existing conditions along this corridor.

Public Outreach Accomplishments

Phone Calls 420 Phone Numbers

  1. List Development
  2. Event Invitations

E-blasts 1,300 Email Addresses

  1. Announcement
  2. Invitations
  3. Project Updates


  1. Social Media 8,100 Facebook; 5,500 Twitter
  2. News Media 33,000

October 6 Open House

  • 105 Attendees

November 12-16 Events

  • 86 Attendees
  • More than 50 comments

 March 9 Open House

  • 72 Attendees

 May 30 Open House

  • 58 Attendees

Public Open House Recap – October 6, 2016

On behalf of the project team, City and CAMPO, thank you to the 105 property and business owners, organization members and community leaders for helping make the first Open House a success!

The Open House on hosted by CAMPO and the City of Georgetown exhibited a variety of illustrative presentation boards on the existing conditions in the study area including transportation, land use and real estate market profiles. For those not able to attend, a link to each board is provided here and available for download:

Participants were asked to identify areas of needs or concerns within the study area that stretches from Austin Avenue to Jim Hogg Road. The information presented aimed to help participants gain a deeper understanding of the study elements, conditions and trends along Williams Drive.

Open Studio and Design Workshops Nov. 12 – 16

Public design workshops were held November 12 – 16, 2016 at the Georgetown Health Foundation Community Room.

Below is the Work-in-Progress slide presentation from the last day of the November workshops and open studio:

Williams Dr Work-in-Progress slides Part 1

Williams Dr Work-in-Progress slides Part 2

Williams Dr Work-in-Progress slides Part 3

Existing Conditions Assessment Report

A 93-page report documenting and assessing existing conditions in the Williams Drive Corridor is now available:






Public Open House Recap – March 9, 2017

On March 9, the City and CAMPO hosted an Open House Public Meeting to present the Williams Drive Study Concept Plan that captures the vision of the community for the corridor incorporating transportation, land use and economic development improvements. The Open House was facilitated by the Public Works, Planning and Communications departments and City Manager’s Office. The event was attended by 82 people who were able to see the conceptual designs and recommendations that the Williams Drive Study Project Team has developed to address the primary issues identified: traffic congestion, traffic operations, barrier to redevelopment and reinvestment, aesthetics, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities, as well as provide comments on the recommendations developed to date. Future efforts will identify relevant projects and policies to improve the transportation network and supportive land uses to enhance mobility, connectivity, safety, and multimodal options, support economic development and enhance a sense of place.

For those not able to attend, a link to each board is provided here and available for download:

Public Open House Recap – May 30, 2017

Neighbors, business owners and community leaders joined the City and CAMPO at an Open House Public Meeting on May 30 to review the draft plan for the Williams Drive Study. The participation of our stakeholders has provided us critical feedback and insights from the studying and analysis phases through the development of conceptual plans. These have been incorporated into a comprehensive report identifying recommended projects and policies that may be implemented in the short-, medium- and long-term to address the primary issues identified: traffic congestion, traffic operations, barriers to redevelopment and reinvestment, aesthetics, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

The event was attended by 58 people who were able to provide feedback on the draft plan by submitting a comment card or completing the survey online.

For those not able to attend, a link to each board is provided here and available for download:

The complete Draft Plan may be viewed online at: To comment on the draft plan, please complete the online survey available here. The Project Team will continue to receive comments on the draft plan through June 6, 2017.

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